Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lighting 101 w/ Quinn

A couple of days ago, I had my old buddy Quinn come down to Brooklyn to learn a few different lighting techniques. The following images are examples of the results we produced, by using only two wireless strobes and a cloudy sky (which served as a pretty good fill-light).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Adrienne Shelly Fundraising Gala

Press shots from the 2nd Annual Adrienne Shelly Foundation Fundraising Gala, a night of film, comedy and music. The event was held at the Skirball Center for Performing Arts (NYU), and was put together to celebrate the life and work of Adrienne Shelly...

A Couple of Tearsheets..

So I've finally stepped into the 21st Century and figured out how to utilize my girlfriend's flatbed scanner. The first tearsheet is from a publication called On Montauk - the official visitor's guide to Montauk and the surrounding Hamptons villages. After taking some photography-inspired solo trips to the "The End", I was lucky enough to have one of my images of Montauk's Ditch Plains beach grace the cover of this year's Fall edition. It's funny, the original photograph was actually centered around the famous Montauk Lighthouse (it should be in the upper left corner), but they cropped it out due to layout technicalities. The editor thought this worked better anyway...

The 2nd tearsheet is a little more recent. Edible Brooklyn, a foody publication that I've been an avid reader of since their inception, has recently expanded into NYC's 2nd coolest borough, creating Edible Manhattan. The publication focuses on the borough's diverse food culture, advocates for preserving food traditions, and raises awareness about locally grown products and where our food comes from. In their most recent Nov/Dec Issue, an article about what NYC Marathon runners eat - featured an image I shot on Brooklyn's 4th Avenue at the 2007 marathon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Amy & Patrick's Wedding

November 9th, 2008
Prospect Park Picnic House

Picnic House

Bride & Groom

Cider donuts...

Bride-Groom w/ groom's family

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fran Sheehan Talks About Solar Panel Installations

So not everything on this blog has to be directly related to my own work. I'm always in favor of promoting the work of my this particular case, a close college friend of mine - Francis Sheehan, President of Frontier Energy Solutions. In the following clip, Fran talks about the practicality of installing solar panels in your home.

Well done Franny...I'm diggin' the make-up.

"Taste of Peru"

Two Peruvian natives perform 'Huayño',
an Andean dance of pre-Hispanic origin

at a Peruvian food tasting in Midtown.